sobota, 10 grudnia 2011

In Held 'Twas In I

Rok 1972
Procol Harum - "In Held 'Twas In I"...
Z albumu "Live With The Edmonton Symphony Orchestra"

Dla ortodoksyjnych fanów, Filipów z konopii i wszystkich fonoministrantów...

"Glimpses of Nirvana...
In the darkness of the night, only occasionally relieved by glimpses of Nirvana as seen through other people's windows, wallowing in a morass of self-despair made only more painful by the knowledge that all I am is of my own making ...
When everything around me, even the kitchen ceiling, has collapsed and crumbled without warning. And I am left, standing alive and well, looking up and wondering why and wherefore.
At a time like this, which exists maybe only for me, but is nonetheless real, if I can communicate, and in the telling and the bearing of my soul anything is gained, even though the words which I use are pretentious and make you cringe with embarrassment, let me remind you of the pilgrim who asked for an audience with the Dalai Lama.
He was told he must first spend five years in contemplation. After the five years, he was ushered into the Dalai Lama's presence, who said, 'Well, my son, what do you wish to know?' So the pilgrim said, 'I wish to know the meaning of life, father.'
And the Dalai Lama smiled and said, 'Well my son, life is like a beanstalk, isn't it?'
Held close by that which some despise
which some call fake, and others lies
And somewhat small
for one so tall
a doubting Thomas who would be?
It's written plain for all to see
for one who I am with no more
it's hard at times, it's awful raw
They say that Jesus healed the sick and helped the poor
and those unsure
believed his eyes
- a strange disguise
Still write it down, it might be read
nothing's better left unsaid
only sometimes, still no doubt
it's hard to see, it all works out

'Twas Tea-time at the Circus
'Twas tea-time at the circus: King Jimi, he was there
Through hoops he skipped, high wires he tripped, and all the while the glare
of the aching, baking spotlight beat down upon his cloak
and though the crowd clapped furiously they could not see the joke
'Twas tea-time at the circus, though some might not agree
as jugglers danced, and horses pranced and clowns clowned endlessly
But trunk to tail the elephants quite silent, never spoke
and though the crowd clapped desperately they could not see the joke

In the Autumn of My Madness
In the autumn of my madness when my hair is turning grey
for the milk has finally curdled and I've nothing left to say
When all my thoughts are spoken (save my last departing birds)
bring all my friends unto me and I'll strangle them with words
In the autumn of my madness which in coming won't be long
for the nights are now much darker and the daylight's not so strong
and the things which I believed in are no longer quite enough
for the knowing is much harder and the going's getting rough

Look to Your Soul
I know if I'd been wiser this would never have occurred
but I wallowed in my blindness so it's plain that I deserve
for the sin of self-indulgence when the truth was writ quite clear
I must spend my life amongst the dead who spend their lives in fear
of a death that they're not sure of, of a life they can't control
It's all so simple really if you just look to your soul
Some say that I'm a wise man, some think that I'm a fool
It doesn't matter either way: I'll be a wise man's fool
For the lesson lies in learning and by teaching I'll be taught
for there's nothing hidden anywhere, it's all there to be sought
And so if you know anything look closely at the time
at others who remain untrue and don't commit that crime..."

piątek, 9 grudnia 2011

Natural High

 Znowóż ptak rzadkiej maści...Tonton Macoute...
Straszydło haitańskie, którym załamane mamy uspokajały swe nadpobudliwe pociechy, i którego imię notabene przetłumaczyć można na Dzieciojad...

 Prawda, że zachęcająco?
Podobnie pomyślał haitański dyktator Francois Duvalier tworząc swe tajne oddziały ochotniczej milicji, które słynęły z niezwykłego okrucieństwa i siały grozę przez kilkadziesiąt lat. Stąd też pewnie wzięła się ich nazwa - Tonton Macoutes...Wyobraźcie sobie takiego ORMO-wca z maczetą...

 Czym kierowali się założyciele brytyjskiej jazz-rockowej formacji nazywając się Dzieciojadem? Jest to pytanie retoryczne, tak samo jak pytanie dlaczego tylko jedna płyta?

 Zespół powstał w 1971 roku, nagrał jedyny swój album (która to już taka historia) i słuch o nim zaginął. Z wielką szkodą dla fanów jazz-rocka i muzyki w ogóle... Na tym bezcennym krążku czeka na nas progresywny rock w połączeniu z ogromnymi dawkami różnego rodzaju jazzu, pełen fenomenalnych popisów instrumentalnych panów:

Paul French - piano, organy i wibrafon
Chris Gavin - bass i gitary
Dave Knowles - saxofony, flet i klarnet
oraz Nigel Reveler - perkusja

 Utwory aż kipią pomysłami i różnorodnością. Nie ma na płycie dwóch podobnych stylistycznie kawałków, ale wysłuchanie tego magicznego albumu w całości upewnia nas jedynie o jego niezwykłej harmonii. Szkoda tylko, że zespół podzielił los swoich kolegów po fachu (Indian Summer, Spring) spod skrzydeł legendarnej wytwórni RCA i zakończyli karierę wkrótce po debiucie... 

1.Just Like Stone
2.Don't Make Me Cry
3.Flying South In Winter
5.You Make Me Jelly Roll
6.Natural High - pt 1
7.Natural High - pt 2

 Poniżej link do połączonych ze sobą utworów 6 i 7, ale zachęcam niedowiarków do zapoznania się również z pierwszą 5.